Monday, November 24, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Uv Lamp To Tan My Body

Here in New York many second-hand shops or flea markets selling for a few dollars of vintage photos rather random. I like to rummage through boxes or baskets containing them to capture fragments of past lives of others. My favorite pictures are the ones with the snow, they seem so properties and even more static than they are and their black and white seems soft and warm. If it snows here before our departure would be wonderful but, despite the cold, I do not think will happen. And these idiots do not even skate on real ice. This is above the Queen Elizabeth, who makes a snowball, and has nothing to do with New York but I did the same.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How To Get A Auto Mechanics Liesence Ontario

are in New York.
Did you know that I'm keeping another blog?
This is the link:
Go here, it's more fun!

Monday, August 4, 2008

How To Connect Alcatel Usb With Lap Top

It's hot in the city.
Originally uploaded by OZ OZ OZ
already eh.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How To Hide Bulimia From

I need those few who still read this blog:
Please vote this graphic (even if you do not like) on Threadless!

My Submission


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Watch Shelly Martinez Jewel Denyle

sounds like a generalization but in reality it is not:
boys are sick. Tiziano Ferro
Except I think, that seems a fine time.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lacrosse Iceman Boots

Mid July 2008.
Originally uploaded by OZ OZ OZ
I do is do Command + Z. Not
I do nothing but drink water from the tap of the flowers in the balcony.
I do is squint and put the eye drops. I would be very

to dangle from a 'double hammock without brianza barbarian invasions by anyone. I sleep very
for hours and roll into bed. Back and forth.
I would like very much to have time to cook something good and make someone feel "Yum!".

But now I go to sleep.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Does Pandora Media, Inc Have Stock

i like boys with strong
Convictions and convicts with perfect diction underdogs with good intentions

amputees with stamp collections plywood
skinboards ride the ocean salty
Noses suntan lotion always
rambunctiously joking and soft-spoken i like boys That
Their mothers and i have a thing for brothers But
They always wait til we're under the covers
to say I'm sure glad we're not lovers

Working like a nigger, I drink gallons of water, the flood watch out the window, change songs, use waiting for someone to read what I write, I scratch my mosquito bites, go to lunch / dinner with those I love .

Monday, July 7, 2008

Project Report Of New Started Business

Fuck Shit Today / July

Since I had nothing to do (...) I thought I would lose more time for create this virtual collage of things that I like, that affect my daily life or that I long. I did it with Polyvore. You lose a bit 'of time, you too, please.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Do Not Pick Scabs Inside Nose

"I'm going to take the pizza is a wonderful expression that embodies the sultry evenings, coca cola thrown down one's throat that gets into your nose, the rocket between my teeth, the windows wide open, the mosquitoes, cartons stacked on the "sorry where is the bathroom?", the "I am going to open?", the corkscrew and wanting at least a little good.

raining today and for lunch I ate roast chicken wings that I cleaned everything right.
Yesterday I spent about 10 hours in the rain and my shoes are completely covered with mud.
After a free lesson of "tone pilates" are quite bloody and I can not even down the stairs.
Well enough, I guess.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Letterhead Samples Of Community Service Letters

We're back. Or at least Ale is back, I still do not know.
The jet lag and reflections after the trip are yet to master.
Outside there is moisture and a city that sleeps five in the afternoon.
I can not draw what I draw. That
galleries of earth worms in it. I
are only portraits of people maimed in television.
The rain does not help, even the cheerios for lunch.
I did not eat too much junk there, if not those of the rite.
I'm not even never went to Starbucks and I have never eaten a hot dog. However I need
Alto Adige. And Friday I get my train and I go there.
And I also need a new phone.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Krusteaz Belgian Waffle Mix Recipes


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ap Lab Nine Transpiration Answers

Damn ointments.
I hate these days and a bit 'I like.
the Monday.
Maybe then I write.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How Long Does Hiv Test Take Meps

How intuirà by design, in May I will be probably a week in New York.
I've never been before and is absolutely one of the places we wanted to vedere da tempo.
Per questo motivo, mi appello a tutti coloro che l'hanno già vista.
Qualunque consiglio abbiate sulla grande mela sarà ben accetto, potete scrivermelo qui nei commenti oppure alla mia mail:

Tanto quello che mi piace lo sapete.
Grazie in anticipo.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Can Chicken Pox Be Only On The Leg

Ma che cazzo di senso ha un Parka con le maniche corte?
E perchè la gente indossa fiera e in massa le stesse babbucce che indossavo vergognandomene (tanto) durante l'ora di educazione fisica alle medie?
Perchè per esempio ora va di moda portare il foulard?
Non mi dilungo sulla questione occhiali.
Anche perchè oggi temo di aver perso un' altra manciata di diottrie.
Non riuscivo a leggere da due metri la scritta lampeggiante FARMACIA.
Ho bisogno di soldi.
Oggi comincio un nuovo quaderno.
Sabato pic nic.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Two Women Strangling A Man

Per l'aggiornamento di oggi andate qui .

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lost My Combination To My Master Lock

Grazie a Raffaele, ho un sito nuovo.
Siete tutti invitati a visitarlo e a fermarvi a bere una tazza di thè con me!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cakes Designs For Anniversaries

Post decisamente superficiale e frivolo ma nella posta stamattina they were!

The main emotion is due to the fact that I even are LARGE (I have a 42 foot and it is rare to find one pair of shoes that I is female) and then the gray is the My absolute favorite color green and the water is my favorite color of the year. Think you. Auuuuu!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Coach San Marcos Mall

child Jesus bring me this platform.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Nike Greco Supreme Tennis

New zine! New
Compratene all!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why Cant I See My Friends On Oovoo

I finally managed to tell the cashier dell'Esselunga che si chiama Olimpia che anche io mi chiamo come lei. Era sorpresa ma poi mi ha detto che a lei come nome non piace. Che peccato.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Brent Everette Dp Gay

Questo mercoledì metto i miei cd masterizzati al Surfer's Den a Milano in via Mantova.
Se non avete nulla da fare fate un salto.
Prima andiamo a mangiare l'hamburger da Margy Burger!

Streaming South Park Good Quality

Questo è il mio regalo della settimana vinto grazie ai ragazzi di hellomac e ad una serie di miei disegnini tra cui questo che saluta. Avevo già usato un ipod ma questo in confronto è dio. Scusa, ipod precedente.