Friday, October 29, 2010

Pati Manterola En Fotos

COURSES TOMBOLO in Pozzuoli-Naples

Yes, we are organizing courses for learning bobbin lace Canterbury in the province of Naples, and to be more precise in Pozzuoli.
I say "we" because the group is formed by myself and two other crazy lace makers who come to Canterbury, Raffaella and Loredana.
We do not know yet what will become. A school? Association? a Cooperative? booooh!
is certain is that we keep our knowledge not only for us but as you can pass it on, correctly, to those who want to learn this wonderful art. These
our projects, we will see what will come.
Meanwhile Saturday, October 23 we held a meeting at the premises of the Shrine of San Gennaro in Pozzuoli, where the courses will, for those interested in learning ques'arte occasion and we have exposed some of our work and preparation some pillow to show how to work the cloth stitch, the bobbin base point.

In the week before we put up some poster ad is placed on the web.

The fear that we spent an afternoon da sole è svanito immediatamente. Si sono presentate molte persone, la maggior parte curiose, qualcuna effettivamente interessata

Non sono mancati i messaggio di "IN BOCCA AL LUPO" delle mie amiche merlettaie del giovedì di Torre del Greco e con grande meraviglia, perchè del tutto inaspettato, sono arrivati tre mazzi di fiori da parte di Barbara, AMICA-allieva, che mi ha commosso.
Eccoci pronte per una GRANDE AVVENTURA.
Chi fosse interessato ai corsi ci può contattare all'indirizzo oppure al numero di cell. Tim 3336574899


Friday, October 15, 2010

Is Cardiac Catheterization Dangerous

Exchanges Holiday and gift giveaway

Quest 'summer my blog has completed two years and to celebrate I have a laciato CANDY BLOG who won Betsabe
What you see in the picture and what I sent as a gift to a chubby yellow Buston, chubby.
For once, the Italian Post deserve praise. The napkin of the shells you see are real, so delicate and seems to have arrived intact, and for once a "BRAVO" to the Italian Post

I did not discussed in the blog, but for forgetfulness ho partecipato ad uno swap vacanza, in cui bisognava spedire alla propria abbinata dei pensierini dal luogo di villeggiatura ,Iulia, la mia abbinata, mi ha inviato dalla Calabria queste adorooooooo gli infusi e i thè, e lei senza saperlo.......

 Io, dal canto mio,invece, ho spedito alla mia abbinata un pò di cosucce dalla mia adorata Isola Verde e sono riuscita a mettere anche due crocette.............
Mancano, nella foto, le conchiglie portatovaglioli, identici a quelli di Betsabè,  anche in questo caso sono arrivati intact ......... INCREDIBLE !!!!!!!
It can be said that this summer the Italian Post Office have had a lot to do with all these Buston YELLOW.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Taekwondo Yellow Belt Test

Memories of summer 2010

Here we do still warm but the summer is now increasingly becoming a thing ...........
S. Maria di Leuca
Dear friends surprised
Ischia with family and friends, my children and my

Panorama sea and beautiful

from dawn

