Monday, February 28, 2011
Is There A Soul Silver Rom For Mac Free
When the measure and kindness are added to the force, the latter becomes irresistible.

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Coach Bag Albertville Minnesota
bolster, pillow, pillow .............. all my time is taken from this wonderful art. In my house you hear the sound of the spindles at all hours (except those in the middle of the night). During the day, if there are moments when you hear them singing, it's because at the computer to update my site, on the phone with friends who share my same passion, the courses we hold regular pillow at the Shrine of San Gennaro in Pozzuoli, or are in Torre del Greek friends who work with the pillow.
What it is suffering the most is my beloved blog with my friends and bloggherine cross stitch that I left a little ..... sigh, sigh .... Why
the days do not last 48 hours ?!?!?!?!!?
Do not worry, I'll find a way to forgive me !!!!!!
In the meantime I give you this beautiful bouquet of Narcissus crops in the garden of my mother
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Memory Excess Violation C0000005

And if C IRCO
the we do?
Laboratory introductory circus arts in education and social development.
What a circus? How do you shoot three balls? And how you're balancing on a wire? Because the last two decades si sono moltiplicati i laboratori di arti circensi in ambito educativo e sociale ?
Queste sono alcune delle domande da cui il laboratorio prenderà vita, per passare subito a cercare delle risposte sperimentando le varie discipline circensi in particolare la giocoleria, l'equilibrismo e l'acrobatica, giocando con il proprio corpo, con i suoi limiti e le sue potenzialità.
E sempre giocando si lavorerà sulla coordinazione, sull'attenzione, sulla concentrazione, ma anche sull'espressività e creatività.
Contextualization in the history of the circus and its applications outside the tent will then be useful to reflect on the last question, or at understand the potential of various circus disciplines in the educational and social development.
When: Saturday 26 and Sunday, February 27, 2011; hours 9:30 to 18:30 Duration: 16 hours
Where: Hall Prometheus - 103 Italy, Ragusa - comfortable clothes with socks and mat
Info and reservations : 3351362853 - -
lead: Buggea Joseph and Julia Treccosta of TCH'I TCH ' IAO
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Germany Capital Des Travesti

COMICOTERAPIA: Healing with laughter
suggestions, experiences, ways of working in community health
The gelotology (comicoterapia) in Italy is twenty years old.
In this long period, starting from the basic method of "Comedy is Health", the original development of Sonia and Leonardo Fioravanti Spina, applied for the first time in 1990, reaching the commitment of the earthquake ' Aquila, the study and the possibility of intervention of this discipline, and its operators Clown Doctors (Clown social and health) make our country a world of avant-garde in this field.
The conference aims to consider the usefulness of the new profession of Social and Health Clown, to disseminate the experiences, to highlight the increasingly dense network that is created between institutions and third sector as part of the trial removal of new models of social problems and school and community creation.
In recent years has been accumulated a large amount of documents, photos, videos on those experiences that deserve to be shown to the public as evidence of a different social commitment, based on "distribution" of positive emotions.
The conference has as general objective to compare the state of the humanization of social contexts, with particular emphasis on experiences over the years by so-called Clown Doctors.
And 'This is a new professional active throughout the world since the '90s.
The gelotology, scientific term that encompasses the most common expressions "comicoterapia" or "ClownTerapia" is a new research field that combines art and science in pursuit of health and social psychophysics people.
The Doctor Clown (Clown social health) stands as a prominent figure in this discipline and is used not only in the pediatric hospital setting, but also with adults, the elderly, in tough neighborhoods in galaxy handicap in psychiatry, addiction, etc. ...
Specific objectives:
- Reflect on the most effective strategies for the removal of social problems, health e scolastico.
- Disseminare le metodologie della gelotologia.
- Riflettere sui monitoraggi delle varie esperienze.
- Riflettere sulle ricadute della gelotologia sulla Comunità.
Gìovedì 3 febbraio ‘11
11.00 - Palace of Culture, Modica
16.30 - Comprehensive School G. Pascoli, Ragusa
Friday, 4 February '11
10.30 - Chamber of Commerce, Ragusa
16.30 - Order of Doctors - via G. Nicastro 50 - Ragusa
20.00 - Bars (Clown:) .. social screening of the film "CLOWN IN 'KABUL' - Saltatempo library, via GB Odierna 182 - Ragusa
Speaker: Dr. Leonardo Spina Author, Actor, gelotology;
President of the International Federation! Laugh for Life!
Info : 3341860264-3294219904 - -
My Marriage Invitation Email To Friends

The event will include the screening of" Clown in 'Kabul ", a film documenting the mission of a group of doctors and clown doctors in Kabul in 2002.
Over the past ten years, since in Western societies has stabilized the clown figure used in health and social contexts, humanitarian missions tailored to the positive possibilities of the clown doctors have been many.
All share the message of peace and hope that the figure inherently unarmed, just the clown, is able to testify.
The evening will allow reflection on the effects of comicoterapia on the community.
will introduce Leonardo Spina (Dr. Jack - actor, author, gelotology - President of the International Federation Laugh for Life), clown doctor who participated in the mission in Afghanistan
Bars "clown" social, film and reflections shared: € 3
(in support of socio-health association We'll laugh about '
The film documents a group of Clown from various associations working in hospitals on a humanitarian mission in Afghanistan was destroyed by bombing. Guided by the spiritual leader of Hunter "Patch" Adams and invested in an official manner by the Mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni, the 23 clown doctors from around the world set off for Kabul. The quest "Patchwork for Peace" is to bring humanitarian aid (food, educational materials, medicines) and a smile to Afghan children.
The film begins in Rome, an ideal point of departure and arrival of all roads. Piazza del Campidoglio in a colorful and fun diversion from Sunday by a group of clowns who invades the city with his irreverent humor and naive.
The sequence that follows is already war, that seen in many movies, from Kubrick to Coppola, with travel on airplanes and helicopters, heavy and ominous. Yet for once the C-130 carries a load of peace and good humor, a load of human bombs ready to explode a smile on the faces turned to stone and accustomed to the sadness. The film follows the clown, their physical excesses, their inordinate numbers, without comment, basing the story on the sole strength of the images. The viewpoint is that of someone who gets involved in the action rather than depart to watch and / or judging from above, the camera is always ready to react to physical and psychological disconnections of a land torn.
Clowns are cheerful, noisy, colorful, but the first impact with the reality of Afghan children's hospitals is very hard. At the end of day one is painted on their faces dismay at what they have seen. This, for them, it is an encouragement to continue their actions.
In their trip on a van painted with bright colors and covered with balloons, visiting hospitals, rehabilitation centers for amputees, schools, refugee camps, leprosy, as well as in markets, dusty roads, among the rubble. Kabul is only their first step, followed the valley of Panjshir, Massoud's stronghold and its mujhaidin, and Bamyan in the ruins of the Buddhas destroyed by the Taliban, meeting people in the voluntary sector (including, for example, the physician founder of the "Emergency" Gino Strada) and improvised clowning performances wherever there is also a small group of people who donate a little 'color and warmth.
With a concrete language, sometimes with raw and poetic, the images return the excitement produced by the impact of a clown in a difficult reality as that of Afghanistan.
The colors of the clown violent contrasts with the atmosphere of monochrome Asian country, but paradoxically, they are required to complete.
The faces and voices of Afghan children, their mothers and their relatives offer the viewer emotions and great food for thought.
is a clear contradiction exists between the desire for peace and joy of ordinary people and the aftermath of war, wounds, mutilation, landmines, human degradation.
The lightness of the clown is understood, accepted and shared with joy not only by children and it is this exalted figure seemingly comic, with just the reality of humanity in order to propose a new form of "diplomacy" emissaries of peace, joy, hope.
were shot 180 hours of documentation which was made into the film out of competition, the 59th International Film Festival in Venice, where he was greeted by a huge public success and critical acclaim
DIRECTOR: Enzo Balestrieri and Stefano Moser
Screenplay: Enzo Balestrieri and Stefano Moser
ACTORS: Patch Adams
PHOTOGRAPHY: Stephanie Moser
ASSEMBLY: Roberto Ciani, Leonida Gennaro
MUSIC: Nicola Piovani, Pasquale Filastò
COUNTRY: Italy 2002