Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Hand Hurts After Punching

Social Laboratory: CLOWN IN MOTION - Saturday, 9 October '10

At Ibla Buskers, we will present 8 to 10 October, We'll laugh about 'is pleased to present, Saturday, Oct. 9, the WORKSHOP: MOVING CLOWN . A first
anticipation of a fall of proposals for those who want to know and experiential approach the Clown terapy

This meeting begins with an analysis of their body and movement, to find a physical comedy and boost their communicative ability.

The body is in fact the primary means of expression and universal for the clowns: the study and research of the movements is fundamental for him. The movement helps

le capacità mentali e spirituali, in specie se svolto con il sorriso.

Gli esercizi proposti mirano a sviluppare una maggiore elasticità espressiva del corpo, ottimizzano il coordinamento ricercando una migliore concentrazione individuale, l’autostima e l’armonia oltre che la spontaneità e la creatività.

Le improvvisazioni aiuteranno poi a comprendere ed a saper dirigere le emozioni, comunicandole/proiettandole dal proprio corpo al pubblico.

Protagonista essenziale è la gestione del respiro ed una attenzione particolare verrà data ai vari metodi di rilassamento ed auto-massaggio per ampliare la capacità di ascoltare i messaggi del corpo.

Conduce SILVIA PASQUETTI (upside down)
Master Physical Theatre (London);
Clown Doctor (International Federation Laugh for Life);
Operator of circus arts (Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome).

remember that the meeting is open to all - max 30 persons

We recommend comfortable clothing and a mat


Saturday, October 9 '10
10:30 to 13:30 hours and 15:30 - 18:30
c / o STUDIO CLUB Via Duca d'Aosta 42 5 / 7 - Ragusa

Reservation at 329 4219904
Info: -
We are also on Faccialibro

We thank the International Federation Laugh for Life, the association Prometeo Onlus Association St. Lucia

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Going From Goldwell To Redken

XIV Biennial International SANSEPOLCRO (Part Two)

I had left, the last post, with photos of the work that won the first prize at the XIV Biennial Inernazionale lace Sansepolcro but without describing the meticulous work bobbin and needle with which he was executed. Having seen the truth, I was breathless, Marion has used thin yarn and enforcement of the parties bobbin or needle are nothing short run perfectly, not to mention the inclusion of leather and metal parts, in short undoubtedly deserved to win and I, of course, I have not missed an opportunity to let me take a picture with Mariagrazia
addition to the works that participated in the contest if you are going to Sansepolcro, until November 15 in Praetorian Palace exhibition hall you can admire the exhibition of Art School "G. Giovagnoli" of Sansepolcro, titled "Transcendence of ideal beauty." The representatives of the high school allowed me to photograph the show and have authorized me to publish them for all those unable to travel to Sansepolcro.
If you look at the photos in particular photographed each piece has a part made pillow

You can visit, but it was not possible to take pictures of the exhibition areas Italian in the Cloister of Santa Chiara, where you can admire the work that come from individual schools or Italian lace.

During the two days I spent at the Biennale was a pleasure to meet old and new friends / i:
the legendary Francis

Maria Grazia Colombo School of The Garden of the Points of Milan, which has received a silver medal in this Biennial

The teachers and Rita factor Madamme Montandon

and many others I have seen with pleasure but with whom there was no opportunity to photograph them.
In this report we can not miss the friends that traveled with me, and Loredana Ersilia, here we can see the monument in front of the lace
I hope this small guide you enjoyed, I enjoyed like crazy and during the two days, remember them both in publishing these two posts.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pokemon Snap Sixtyforce Glitches

XIV Biennial International SANSEPOLCRO (Part One)

Time flies ..... I was undecided whether to publish your holiday photos or start the report on the Biennale. As you can see the choice fell on the Biennale: I could not tell the two beautiful days I spent in Sansepolcro on this occasion.
Finally, after several years, the weather was beautiful. Mild days with sunshine and also for the first time I arrived in time to witness the inauguration.
Inauguration held Saturday, Sept. 11 at the Palazzo Inghirami, presente tutta la Commissione che ha giudicato i lavori e varie Autorità.

Dopo il taglio del nastro

e i saluti con la carissima Sig.ra Piovaticci che rivedo ogni volta con piacere,

ecco una bellissima sorpresa.................................. entrando nella prima sala, dove erano esposti i lavori che partecipavano al concorso, in bella mostra e ben visibile il mio work, even if he has not won any award or prize, but was admired and appreciated by many people and especially by the Committee. A great satisfaction, since this is the first time I participate in the contest in person

Work who participated in the contest were many, one is the best and the task Commission has been very challenging and it was a picere for eyes to admire them all calmly

here's the list of those who were awards starting from tenth place to get to the winner: 10 °

"Beauty of the Soul" Olwyn Scott (Australia)
9th "Initial Botticelli" Ide Hannelore (Germany)
8 ° "mirror of the body or soul shadow body "Mila Scatena (Italy) 7 °
" The moral structure is embodied "School Course Merletti Gorizia (Italy Geotti Federation)
6th" Ave Maris Stella "Erzsebet Molna'r (Slovakia)
5 °" Divine Beauty "Lenka Suchanek (Canada)
4th" seal suit "Lipomi Angela (Italy)
3rd" Three Graces "Anna Penzo (Italy)
2nd" The Dance of Grace School of the City of bobbin lace Carate Brianza (Italy)
1, "that divine grace" Mariagrazia Giacomini (Trieste-Italy)

Marion has been a very kind and helpful person, here you can see with his work .
Finally, here is the work that has received the critics' prize and was reproduced on the cover of the catalog

"Intimate Regenerescence" Blanchart Helene (Belgium)
For now my story stops here, stating that I have been authorized by the directive concerned to publish all the photos of the works that you admire.

In the next post

Monday, September 13, 2010

Catchy Title For 21st Birthday Party

The winner is ..... ..........

Ready to see who won my blog candy-????????????
First of all I want to thank everyone, these days I have not had time but I promise to come and thank them one by one. Comments have been 41 because one post was repeated twice, I tied a number to each post, then
1) Fairy Lu
2) Anna
3) Daniela
4) Alessandra Lace
5) Chiara c
6) francesca the gem
7) Maria Forner
8) The house of Pat
9) Susanna
10) Laura
11) Grazia
12) pat
13) Sara
14) ros
15) Raffaella
16) francesca
17) flower-creates
18) Anto
19) perlamica
20) The fairy Giopa
21) Mimi
22) ladybug
23) Anna
24) Cute Girl
25) dany
26) Etoile
27) Scarlett
28) Angela
29) clapratty
30) Betsabe
31) Blue Fairy
32) Alessia
33) lafria
34) sweetyflo
35) Silvia
36) Sissi
37) Adamus
38) Rosa creative
39) enrica
40) Flavia
41) ma.cassar

and I used, quote number and hold the button .......................
and the number drawn is ..........................

Won Betsabe
CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
I'm going to give her the good news

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

4 D Ultrasoundblog Post A Comment

When you laugh you let go, he is naked, it turns out.

When you laugh you let go, he is naked, it turns out.
When a ride, see a bit 'his soul.
And then when you laugh you move, you shake like a tree, and leaves on the ground things that others can see and maybe understand.
The greedy and those who have nothing to offer, in fact, do not laugh.

Roberto Benigni