Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Dr Rajan Mumbai 66982747
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hand Signs Pinky Thumb
Partenze, mare cristallino e sorprese tomboline.......
this is the Ionian coast, what do you think? It does not seem to be an exotic island ???????
But of course all this is related to my passion, the pillow.
Browsing the Internet Forum of Florence "fioretombolo" I knew Rosaalba and Francis ( see post on the exhibition of Bisceglie) that last year I was given a stand full of lace, but probably Francis, artist wood, I had imagined a few inches higher and therefore the stand was high and I was convinced that the reason for our trip was the adjustment of the tripod, so before you come to my in-laws' house we stopped by Francis Castrignano Rosaalba and the Greeks.
Having found that the stand was really high
Surprise that touched me .......... Loredana, lace-maker friend, without knowing personally Rosaalba and Francis, Having asked by underhand their cell phone number made me an unexpected gift ........ guess not ?!?!?!?!?!?! But of course a pillow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Made with golden hands of Francis and Rosaalba made me find packaged with tickets attached.
But the surprises did not end here .................. the next day we met, ostensibly to recover the stand and the right size for dinner. Instead, the first we went to Jersey to visit the permanent exhibition of the Association PUNTOMAGLIE Rosaalba where he attended the first year with very good results
After greeting Anna Borgia that the teacher, gently opened the show just for us
Even this year 's my kids are gone, destination London (studio holiday in College): there they were in prior to boarding AIRPORT
There I show the pictures of us moms, otherwise hell breaks loose, there were those who were really hurt because it was the first time and those simulated (........) joy because now used ........
After boarding each of the boys went home, but not me ................ My husband had prepared one of his surprises !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Destination Santa Maria di Leuca, extreme south of Puglia, where they spend the summer holidays ......... my in-laws and it is always worth: look at that sunset
and sea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But of course all this is related to my passion, the pillow.
Browsing the Internet Forum of Florence "fioretombolo" I knew Rosaalba and Francis ( see post on the exhibition of Bisceglie) that last year I was given a stand full of lace, but probably Francis, artist wood, I had imagined a few inches higher and therefore the stand was high and I was convinced that the reason for our trip was the adjustment of the tripod, so before you come to my in-laws' house we stopped by Francis Castrignano Rosaalba and the Greeks.
Having found that the stand was really high
comparing with those of Rosaalba
and after chatting a bit, despite the heat
here check the first surprise
Surprise that touched me .......... Loredana, lace-maker friend, without knowing personally Rosaalba and Francis, Having asked by underhand their cell phone number made me an unexpected gift ........ guess not ?!?!?!?!?!?! But of course a pillow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Made with golden hands of Francis and Rosaalba made me find packaged with tickets attached.
But the surprises did not end here .................. the next day we met, ostensibly to recover the stand and the right size for dinner. Instead, the first we went to Jersey to visit the permanent exhibition of the Association PUNTOMAGLIE Rosaalba where he attended the first year with very good results
What you see in our hands is the "learned," in Rosaalba ............. (In my opinion is a true work of art !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
we returned home and Francesco Rosaalba where I waited for the biggest surprise
; tells my face ?!??!?!?!? I could not imagine a ............... Cherry masterpiece ..................
for now I will show why this has been the joy and surprise that we did not think to take pictures and I assure you that deserves a worthy photo shoot, I tell you only that it is a stand!
end my story with photos of all of us at the table enjoying a great ice-cream after a delicious dinner with typical products of Puglia, prepared by Rosaalba.
Thanks to Lorenzo, Francesco, Rosaalba and, most importantly, MY HUSBAND !!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hemorrhoid Blood Poisoning
15 - 16 - 17 to 18 July 2010 - Closed for ... International Meeting of Laugh for Life 2010_Terni.
inexorably approaching ..
go to

15-16 - 17 - July 18, 2010 ... will be a special gathering! ... twenty years of the introduction of comicoterapia in Italy. .. fifteen years after the founding of the Laugh for Life ....... here comes the joy of movement!
inexorably approaching ..
International Meeting of Laugh for Life 2010_Terni.
The Twenty Years!
go to Monday, July 12, 2010
Can You Rent Exotic Animals
Epicondilite e caldo
Mettete insieme una fastidiosissima epicondilite e il caldo ed ecco il motivo della mia assenza prolungata dal blog.
Fino a qualche settimana fa non sapevo nemmeno cosa fosse una "epicondilite", ora purtroppo lo sento sulla mia pelle; ecco cosa ho trovato sul sito :
Definizione :
L’epicondilite rientra tra le tendinopatie, in quanto è un’infiammazione dei tendini. Viene detta inserzionale perché interessa l’inserzione su una parte laterale dell’osso del gomito – chiamata epicondilo – dei muscoli epicondilei. Questi muscoli, estensori dell’avambraccio, consentono il sollevamento della mano e del polso e il piegamento all’indietro delle dita. Poiché l’articolazione del gomito interessata a tale patologia si trova tra omero e radio, viene, talora, anche definita radiale od omerale. A seconda dei muscoli interessati, poi, si parla di epicondilite laterale, mediale o posteriore.
L’epicondilite, essendo una patologia degenerativa infiammatoria della giunzione osteo-tendinea dovuta ad azione meccanica (in altri termini, a movimenti eccessivamente ripetuti o effettuati con troppa intensità) frequente in coloro following the practice of tennis or golf, it is often also called "tennis elbow or golfer (golf or tennis elbow).
This disease strikes, however, although to a lesser extent, other sports (baseball players, fencers, swimmers, etc.). And workers who use excessively the tendons of the outside or inside of the elbow as painters, bricklayers, carpenters, computer operators. Its incidence is between 1 and 3% of the general population and around 15% of workers in industries at risk. Typically occurs in people aged between 30 and 50 years, being considered an "over-use syndrome," a disease the cause of which is attributable, in addition to abnormal stress, a physiological involution of the wear-insertional tendon structures.
Symptoms epicondylitis
The classic symptom is of course a lot of pain localized to the lateral region of the elbow, epicondylitis level, which radiates sometimes along the radial forearm and is awakened in the movements of extension and supination.
may happen that the patient complains of a feeling of weakness in the arm, even sollevando pesi modesti, ad esempio un bicchiere. Oppure compiendo semplici movimenti come aprire una serratura o stringere la mano. Il dolore, in genere, tende comunque a diminuire con il riposo notturno.
Anche se la sintomatologia nelle fasi iniziali, spesso, è modesta, è meglio non sottovalutarla né giudicarla banale, dal punto di vista clinico. Considerate le difficoltà terapeutiche della patologia, che in alcuni casi può diventare invalidante, oltre alla frequenza di recidive, una valutazione clinica e diagnostica rigorosa e tempestiva favorisce eventualmente interventi preventivi efficaci e corretti.
E dire che non so nemmeno come si usa una racchetta da tennis o una mazza da golf..............
Throw in the heat and that's how I feel
Mettete insieme una fastidiosissima epicondilite e il caldo ed ecco il motivo della mia assenza prolungata dal blog.
Fino a qualche settimana fa non sapevo nemmeno cosa fosse una "epicondilite", ora purtroppo lo sento sulla mia pelle; ecco cosa ho trovato sul sito :
Definizione :
L’epicondilite rientra tra le tendinopatie, in quanto è un’infiammazione dei tendini. Viene detta inserzionale perché interessa l’inserzione su una parte laterale dell’osso del gomito – chiamata epicondilo – dei muscoli epicondilei. Questi muscoli, estensori dell’avambraccio, consentono il sollevamento della mano e del polso e il piegamento all’indietro delle dita. Poiché l’articolazione del gomito interessata a tale patologia si trova tra omero e radio, viene, talora, anche definita radiale od omerale. A seconda dei muscoli interessati, poi, si parla di epicondilite laterale, mediale o posteriore.
L’epicondilite, essendo una patologia degenerativa infiammatoria della giunzione osteo-tendinea dovuta ad azione meccanica (in altri termini, a movimenti eccessivamente ripetuti o effettuati con troppa intensità) frequente in coloro following the practice of tennis or golf, it is often also called "tennis elbow or golfer (golf or tennis elbow).
This disease strikes, however, although to a lesser extent, other sports (baseball players, fencers, swimmers, etc.). And workers who use excessively the tendons of the outside or inside of the elbow as painters, bricklayers, carpenters, computer operators. Its incidence is between 1 and 3% of the general population and around 15% of workers in industries at risk. Typically occurs in people aged between 30 and 50 years, being considered an "over-use syndrome," a disease the cause of which is attributable, in addition to abnormal stress, a physiological involution of the wear-insertional tendon structures.
Symptoms epicondylitis
The classic symptom is of course a lot of pain localized to the lateral region of the elbow, epicondylitis level, which radiates sometimes along the radial forearm and is awakened in the movements of extension and supination.
may happen that the patient complains of a feeling of weakness in the arm, even sollevando pesi modesti, ad esempio un bicchiere. Oppure compiendo semplici movimenti come aprire una serratura o stringere la mano. Il dolore, in genere, tende comunque a diminuire con il riposo notturno.
Anche se la sintomatologia nelle fasi iniziali, spesso, è modesta, è meglio non sottovalutarla né giudicarla banale, dal punto di vista clinico. Considerate le difficoltà terapeutiche della patologia, che in alcuni casi può diventare invalidante, oltre alla frequenza di recidive, una valutazione clinica e diagnostica rigorosa e tempestiva favorisce eventualmente interventi preventivi efficaci e corretti.
E dire che non so nemmeno come si usa una racchetta da tennis o una mazza da golf..............
Throw in the heat and that's how I feel
I hope it passes quickly
Kisses to all
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Reversal Of Sort Lordosis
2nd Nature and Sport Trophy - Saturday, July 10 at 18:00 Riserva Naturale Foce Irminio
ASD Running Baroque Ragusa is about to repeat the success of the first edition of the Trophy Sports & Nature this year to build a frame to the road race will be the beautiful and unspoilt nature reserve between Donnalucata and Marina di Ragusa. We expect many

ASD Running Baroque Ragusa is about to repeat the success of the first edition of the Trophy Sports & Nature this year to build a frame to the road race will be the beautiful and unspoilt nature reserve between Donnalucata and Marina di Ragusa. We expect many
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