" COMEDY ' E 'HEALTH ® "is an effective mix of theatrical and psychological techniques, based on sound scientific and anthropological assumptions. It is developed by a laboratory theory and practice.
The theory is based on components of psycho-physiology of laughter and comic anthropology.
The practical part consists of three routes: the first brings into play the body exercises in confidence, contact, empathic listening, expressive. The second set in motion the mind, in order to activate a different reasoning, lateral thinking, by writing humorous. The third involves the depth of a person using views Guided search part joyful girl that everyone hides and / or represses.
When: Saturday 5 and Sunday, February 6, 2011, hours 9:30 to 18:30 Duration: 16 hours
Where: Room Prometheus - C. I know Italy 103, Ragusa - comfortable clothes with socks and mat
Info and bookings: 3294219904-3393013602 - www.ciridiamosu.blogspot.com - ciridiamosu @ gmail. com
Price: 20 € (with pass AVS) Open to all - max 30 participants
The workshop is led by Dr. . Leonardo Spina
Actor, Author and gelotology - President of International Federation Laugh for Life
more info :................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................
In our everyday life, caught between the tragic events the world and our little big trouble, sometimes we lose sight of the (many) things that make life worth living experience.
Stress, sadness, depression, can lead straight to the disease, as science has amply demonstrated.
How can I reverse this trend?
there a simple way, within us, rediscovering what the ancients knew well:
"A HEART IS GOOD GIOCOSO as a drug," it said in the Bible.
"WHO 'BOW, sad and depressed CAN NOT TAKE AWAY THE DISEASE" suggests Susume Tonegawa Nobel Prize for medicine.
With this method, been experienced since 1990, with people of all types, you can learn to adopt a new mindset that allows us to look at reality other points of view, for the first humorous.
When we laugh, is within us a deep psychological and physical change: it it should be the whole body, our inner self, the idea we have of reality, and when these changes become stable, come to a sort of inner smile that we feel as calm and well-being and others as available and love.
"laugh and to learn more 'about yourself," says the Latin poet Martial.
with Comic 'E' HEALTH we offer a unique experience in Italy, the fruit of decades of research that span very different fields: from psychology to 'Cultural Anthropology, from writing humor and comedy to the' expression of the body, to the practice of guided visualization. The method consists of five parts, constantly alternating between them.
Regarding the first one explores the psychology of humor, from Freud to the theory of communication, up to the PNEI.
On the other hand, starting from Myth and coming down to our days, it highlights the enormous thickness of laughter has in human culture.
The practical part of the laboratory directly puts people at stake, groped to overcome stiffness, plans mental and social: a first course in the game sees the body, the main vehicle for comedy, with simple-play exercises, aimed at pushing up the possibilità'espressive and comic of the participants.
Another initiative involves the use of verbal humor to work on the mind, through the disruption of the usual binary language, you learn how to build such word games, etc ... barzellete
L ' last part is an inner journey in search of the child component that we all possess, and it is through guided visualization, to rejoin the part of us that holds the energies of the most genuine, that intuition, dell'istintività, games, rice, in fact.
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