Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Climax White Stuff From The Anus
December 26 at 20.30 Teatro Garibaldi in Modica: "Thank you mr Down" of the "Society of Wet Moon

Neonteatro The cultural association and the Italian Association of People Down Section of Catania, Dec. 23 at City Theatre will present "Garibaldi" di Piazza Armerina, the show "Thank you mr Down" of the "Company wet Luna "theater company made up of people down, directed by Monica felony and the artistic direction of Piero Stagnation.
The event celebrates the 10 years of the aforementioned company and the long experience and recognized under the Theater of diversity.
In particular the work "Thank you Mr. Down" diversity is seen as a quality that differentiates one person from another and not to discriminate; diversity as a resource person as it is. The theater is the natural place in which differences can meet, interact and recognize the value. The person is a carrier down to a human value, which in the Theatre becomes artistic value and social resource. Place the center of this research, discovery and experimentation, the person with Down syndrome, it means enhancing the essence of drama, the human being, which in all its forms and conditions can experience the ultimate expression of the scene if.
"Wet Moon", the theater company founded in 2000 on the basis of a proposed permanent laboratory and organized by the Catania section of the Italian People Down, in collaboration with the artists of the Cultural Neon Catania.
In the shadows of the stage, expertly re-created, they are the protagonists, young people down, players fully immersed in the image itself becomes an image with their simple but very expressive language, gestures and movements engaging in the freedom of creative space allotted to them.
The show, scheduled at 20.30 (free admission)
December 23 to Piazza Armerina
26 at the Teatro Garibaldi in Modica,
Adrano to 28 at the Teatro Bellini.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Anniversary Sayings For My Husband
The moment where doubt can fly, ceases to be able to do so ... (P. Pan)

(December 18 to 19 introductory workshop on clown name)
Grazie per ESSERCI STATI, per esservi donati .
Grazie per essere stati in ritardo, per aver atteso, per esservi stancati e provati, per aver voluto vedere dove si andava a parare, per aver cambiato rotta ogni volta che c'era da farlo, per aver accolto l'inatteso.
G razie per i vostri occhi... belli... tutti diversi e dunque di grande ricchezza...avvolte timidi....qualche volt a veloci di sempre curiosi, scintillanti e poi carichi di emozioni forti.
Grazie per i piedi freddi ma con i quali abbiamo rischiato to tear down a building.
Thanks for the hands that have embraced , got warmth, "heard" the energy of the other, explored, given the pace and we feel and we still want him! !!
Thanks for the smiles that warmed the cold room and were impressed inside ....
G hank you for every part of us who said so much without words.
Thanks be granted for the re play together, chasing, crawling, dancing, were all together at the "toilet".
Thanks for the harmony that you helped to create king.
Thanks for sharing, discussing to come out and done what was then enrichment.
Thanks to Leo and Clare for accompanying us on these two wonderful days.
Thanks to all .... stupid idiots .... that you were just ......
..... HEART.
We'll laugh about '
Remember the upcoming events:
in Syracuse by Leo and Clare Street Childreen with "Free to laugh free to be"
you 21 / 1 15:00 19:00
sa 22 / 1 09:30 am 18:00
do 23 / 1 09:30 am 13:00
in Ragusa with Leonardo Spina of the International Federation for Life with Laughter "Comedy is Health"
sa 05 / 2 09:30 am 18:30
do 06 / 2 hours 09:30 18:30
Friday, December 17, 2010
How Much Is Ct Stonogram
MMMMMMMMMMM air you hear the Christmas, partly because, as ever this year, is a cold, but a cold prorpio as it must be Christmas.
then added that I have received so many chubby YELLOW Buston, the kind that always receive with great pleasure, and that when you open, come back baby, baby, when the morning of December 25 ti svegliavi sicura che Babbo Natale era passato a lasciarti qualcosa sotto l'albero ed era gran festa.
Torniamo alle bustone gialle la prima l'ho ricevuta perchè ho parteciapto allo SWAP di NATALE organizzato nel blog CROCETTINE FUGGIASCHE e guardate che meraviglie mi ha spedito la mia abbinata LAURA
questo, d'altro canto, quello che ho spedito io alla mia abbinata
MMMMMMMMMMM air you hear the Christmas, partly because, as ever this year, is a cold, but a cold prorpio as it must be Christmas.
then added that I have received so many chubby YELLOW Buston, the kind that always receive with great pleasure, and that when you open, come back baby, baby, when the morning of December 25 ti svegliavi sicura che Babbo Natale era passato a lasciarti qualcosa sotto l'albero ed era gran festa.
Torniamo alle bustone gialle la prima l'ho ricevuta perchè ho parteciapto allo SWAP di NATALE organizzato nel blog CROCETTINE FUGGIASCHE e guardate che meraviglie mi ha spedito la mia abbinata LAURA
questo, d'altro canto, quello che ho spedito io alla mia abbinata
Pat,che è colei che devo ringraziare per aver conosciuto un gruppo FANTASTICO, ha pensato bene di fare un regalo ad ognuna di noi, guardate che spettacolo.....
Ma non finisce qui...............avendo partecipato al Candy di Red, HO VINTOOOOOOOOOOOOO e questo è quello che ho ricevuto
Allora????????????? E' o non è NATALE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Solving For R For Annuity
4 to 5 December "Christmas Club" "The Barsiga
Lo scorso fine settimana ho partecipato alla seconda edizione dell'evento "Natale al Club" organizzato da " La Barsiga "a Castelvolturno, insieme alle mie amiche Loredana e Raffaella group "Tombolonapoletano.
In a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere of the proposals of a craft skill unthinkable, have presented our work to publicize the courses for learning that we keep the pillow in Pozzuoli
Lo scorso fine settimana ho partecipato alla seconda edizione dell'evento "Natale al Club" organizzato da " La Barsiga "a Castelvolturno, insieme alle mie amiche Loredana e Raffaella group "Tombolonapoletano.
In a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere of the proposals of a craft skill unthinkable, have presented our work to publicize the courses for learning that we keep the pillow in Pozzuoli

A thanks to Barbara Lorenzi was a perfect hostess and our dear friend Tiziana this cuon his little masterpieces of creative sewing.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Dresses For Nightlife
November 23, 1980 - earthquake in Irpinia
The earthquake November 23, 1980, at about 19:34, hit the Irpinia and Basilicata, had a magnitude of 6.9 (approximately the tenth degree of the Mercalli scale) and caused 2,570 deaths, 8,848 injured and about 300 thousand homeless. Some municipalities near the epicenter, including Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, Lyon, Conza of Campania, Wash, Muro Lucano, were almost razed to the ground, others badly damaged. A Balvano the collapse of the church of S. Maria Assunta caused the deaths of 77 people, including 66 children and adolescents who were attending evening Mass
The earthquake November 23, 1980, at about 19:34, hit the Irpinia and Basilicata, had a magnitude of 6.9 (approximately the tenth degree of the Mercalli scale) and caused 2,570 deaths, 8,848 injured and about 300 thousand homeless. Some municipalities near the epicenter, including Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, Lyon, Conza of Campania, Wash, Muro Lucano, were almost razed to the ground, others badly damaged. A Balvano the collapse of the church of S. Maria Assunta caused the deaths of 77 people, including 66 children and adolescents who were attending evening Mass
I was there and I do not forget
Friday, November 19, 2010
Can A Soar Throat Cause A Tooth Ache
Festival of Festivals
Lo scorso fine settimana, complice la bellissima giornata e l'invito di un'amica, abbiamo deciso di visitare SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI, paese tristamente noto per essere stato l'epicentro del terremoto che colpì l'Irpiania nel 1980.
Ma il 13 e 14 novembre si è svolta a Sant'Angelo la Sagra delle Sagre, evento che non conoscevamo. “La Sagra delle Sagre 2010”, voluta, promossa ed organizzata dall’Associazione Turistica Pro Loco “Alta Irpinia - Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi”, si è svolta sabato 13 e domenica 14 novembre p.v.con l’obiettivo di valorizzare e promuovere i prodotti tipici locali, l’enogastronomia, l’artigianato artistic and rural, cultural traditions and popular Alta Irpinia and tourism in the hinterland. "The Festival of Festivals", which has now reached success at the X edition, held on time in the charming old town of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, the important event has now become one of the most important tourist events of the autumn season and inland Campania neighboring regions, in fact this show for the season of festivals, for it is the last event in the industry.
These are some of the photos we took.
Lo scorso fine settimana, complice la bellissima giornata e l'invito di un'amica, abbiamo deciso di visitare SANT'ANGELO DEI LOMBARDI, paese tristamente noto per essere stato l'epicentro del terremoto che colpì l'Irpiania nel 1980.
Ma il 13 e 14 novembre si è svolta a Sant'Angelo la Sagra delle Sagre, evento che non conoscevamo. “La Sagra delle Sagre 2010”, voluta, promossa ed organizzata dall’Associazione Turistica Pro Loco “Alta Irpinia - Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi”, si è svolta sabato 13 e domenica 14 novembre p.v.con l’obiettivo di valorizzare e promuovere i prodotti tipici locali, l’enogastronomia, l’artigianato artistic and rural, cultural traditions and popular Alta Irpinia and tourism in the hinterland. "The Festival of Festivals", which has now reached success at the X edition, held on time in the charming old town of Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi, the important event has now become one of the most important tourist events of the autumn season and inland Campania neighboring regions, in fact this show for the season of festivals, for it is the last event in the industry.
These are some of the photos we took.
Thanks Lory
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Top Mens Tanning Lotion
December 18 to 19: Laboratory introduction to the figure of the Clown

witnessing for several years to a strong return of the clown figure in the collective imagination. While this
its spread in very different circumstances carries with it indisputably positive aspects, such as, for example, the renewed appreciation of the emotions and relationships in the complex world of care, other stresses the importance of proper training, preparation of an indispensable and ongoing research that makes up the clown of himself in terms of audience and awareness.
This laboratory would pose a serious introduction to the stupidity of the clown, his ingenuity and the simplicity, offering a job that is above all an opportunity to meet with his own inner world, before working as actors in relations with others. The naivety of the clown and amazement amazes us constantly renewed the willingness to listen.
The red nose becomes a means of exchange and a great opportunity to open relations social.
The goal is to lead participants to discover the potential of interpersonal and communication of the Clown part of their daily lives even more so when it intervenes in situations of social health.
The clown, in fact, for the expressive power and that brings with it human and lightness that sets it apart is a great communicator and can be a great help through relationships: his willingness to listen leads people to open, your invitation to the lightness prepare to live with serenity and moments of game suspension.
its spread in very different circumstances carries with it indisputably positive aspects, such as, for example, the renewed appreciation of the emotions and relationships in the complex world of care, other stresses the importance of proper training, preparation of an indispensable and ongoing research that makes up the clown of himself in terms of audience and awareness.
This laboratory would pose a serious introduction to the stupidity of the clown, his ingenuity and the simplicity, offering a job that is above all an opportunity to meet with his own inner world, before working as actors in relations with others. The naivety of the clown and amazement amazes us constantly renewed the willingness to listen.
The red nose becomes a means of exchange and a great opportunity to open relations social.
The goal is to lead participants to discover the potential of interpersonal and communication of the Clown part of their daily lives even more so when it intervenes in situations of social health.
The clown, in fact, for the expressive power and that brings with it human and lightness that sets it apart is a great communicator and can be a great help through relationships: his willingness to listen leads people to open, your invitation to the lightness prepare to live with serenity and moments of game suspension.
Target: The course aimed at educators, youth workers, psychologists, social-pedagogical and social health, educators, art therapists and all those curious people who would like approach to the world of the Clown and its potential for relational and communication.
This route may represent a significant enrichment method, expanding the range of tools to use in everyday work practice.
Topics covered:
Laugh in for laughing out: awakens the inner clown!
years of mimicry and mimesis
Techniques Bioenergetics
How to spread a smile to live positively in difficult situations
The infectious laugh: physiological and psychological effects
of laughter exercises Dancetherapy for a group of non-verbal interaction with others
Awareness of emotions: meditation and volunteer his own body and make you laugh
Music Therapy for a gentle approach with children and disabled
games and role of trust
The use of techniques of improvisational theater and drama for emotional awareness
Bring a smile in critical situations: to accept suffering and turn it in solidarity and love
Positive emotions and their effect on the organism
interact with the non-verbal language in disadvantaged situations
dynamic meditation, social and body-work
The joy and the positive approach to life as method of social interaction
When: Saturday 18 and Sunday, 19 December '10 hours 9:30 to 18:30
Where: Room Prometheus - over Italy 103/109 (next to Banco di Sicilia) - Ragusa
This route may represent a significant enrichment method, expanding the range of tools to use in everyday work practice.
Topics covered:
Laugh in for laughing out: awakens the inner clown!
years of mimicry and mimesis
Techniques Bioenergetics
How to spread a smile to live positively in difficult situations
The infectious laugh: physiological and psychological effects
of laughter exercises Dancetherapy for a group of non-verbal interaction with others
Awareness of emotions: meditation and volunteer his own body and make you laugh
Music Therapy for a gentle approach with children and disabled
games and role of trust
The use of techniques of improvisational theater and drama for emotional awareness
Bring a smile in critical situations: to accept suffering and turn it in solidarity and love
Positive emotions and their effect on the organism
interact with the non-verbal language in disadvantaged situations
dynamic meditation, social and body-work
The joy and the positive approach to life as method of social interaction
When: Saturday 18 and Sunday, 19 December '10 hours 9:30 to 18:30
Where: Room Prometheus - over Italy 103/109 (next to Banco di Sicilia) - Ragusa
comfortable clothes with socks and mat
They lead
They lead
Reservations: 3294219904-3393013602
Info: -
Participation is free.
attending this workshop should bring the membership card € 20
Info: -
Participation is free.
attending this workshop should bring the membership card € 20
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pati Manterola En Fotos
COURSES TOMBOLO in Pozzuoli-Naples
Yes, we are organizing courses for learning bobbin lace Canterbury in the province of Naples, and to be more precise in Pozzuoli.
I say "we" because the group is formed by myself and two other crazy lace makers who come to Canterbury, Raffaella and Loredana.
We do not know yet what will become. A school? Association? a Cooperative? booooh!
is certain is that we keep our knowledge not only for us but as you can pass it on, correctly, to those who want to learn this wonderful art. These
our projects, we will see what will come.
Meanwhile Saturday, October 23 we held a meeting at the premises of the Shrine of San Gennaro in Pozzuoli, where the courses will, for those interested in learning ques'arte occasion and we have exposed some of our work and preparation some pillow to show how to work the cloth stitch, the bobbin base point.
In the week before we put up some poster ad is placed on the web.
The fear that we spent an afternoon da sole è svanito immediatamente. Si sono presentate molte persone, la maggior parte curiose, qualcuna effettivamente interessata
Non sono mancati i messaggio di "IN BOCCA AL LUPO" delle mie amiche merlettaie del giovedì di Torre del Greco e con grande meraviglia, perchè del tutto inaspettato, sono arrivati tre mazzi di fiori da parte di Barbara, AMICA-allieva, che mi ha commosso.
Eccoci pronte per una GRANDE AVVENTURA.
Chi fosse interessato ai corsi ci può contattare all'indirizzo oppure al numero di cell. Tim 3336574899
Yes, we are organizing courses for learning bobbin lace Canterbury in the province of Naples, and to be more precise in Pozzuoli.
I say "we" because the group is formed by myself and two other crazy lace makers who come to Canterbury, Raffaella and Loredana.
We do not know yet what will become. A school? Association? a Cooperative? booooh!
is certain is that we keep our knowledge not only for us but as you can pass it on, correctly, to those who want to learn this wonderful art. These
our projects, we will see what will come.
Meanwhile Saturday, October 23 we held a meeting at the premises of the Shrine of San Gennaro in Pozzuoli, where the courses will, for those interested in learning ques'arte occasion and we have exposed some of our work and preparation some pillow to show how to work the cloth stitch, the bobbin base point.
The fear that we spent an afternoon da sole è svanito immediatamente. Si sono presentate molte persone, la maggior parte curiose, qualcuna effettivamente interessata
Non sono mancati i messaggio di "IN BOCCA AL LUPO" delle mie amiche merlettaie del giovedì di Torre del Greco e con grande meraviglia, perchè del tutto inaspettato, sono arrivati tre mazzi di fiori da parte di Barbara, AMICA-allieva, che mi ha commosso.
Eccoci pronte per una GRANDE AVVENTURA.
Chi fosse interessato ai corsi ci può contattare all'indirizzo oppure al numero di cell. Tim 3336574899
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