(December 18 to 19 introductory workshop on clown name)
Grazie per ESSERCI STATI, per esservi donati .
Grazie per essere stati in ritardo, per aver atteso, per esservi stancati e provati, per aver voluto vedere dove si andava a parare, per aver cambiato rotta ogni volta che c'era da farlo, per aver accolto l'inatteso.
G razie per i vostri occhi... belli... tutti diversi e dunque di grande ricchezza...avvolte timidi....qualche volt a veloci di andare...ma sempre curiosi, scintillanti e poi carichi di emozioni forti.
Grazie per i piedi freddi ma con i quali abbiamo rischiato to tear down a building.
Thanks for the hands that have embraced , got warmth, "heard" the energy of the other, explored, given the pace and we feel and we still want him! !!
Thanks for the smiles that warmed the cold room and were impressed inside ....
G hank you for every part of us who said so much without words.
Thanks be granted for the re play together, chasing, crawling, dancing, were all together at the "toilet".
Thanks for the harmony that you helped to create king.
Thanks for sharing, discussing to come out and done what was then enrichment.
Thanks to Leo and Clare for accompanying us on these two wonderful days.
Thanks to all .... stupid idiots .... that you were just ......
..... HEART.
We'll laugh about '
Remember the upcoming events:
in Syracuse by Leo and Clare Street Childreen with "Free to laugh free to be" www.streetchildren.it
you 21 / 1 15:00 19:00
sa 22 / 1 09:30 am 18:00
do 23 / 1 09:30 am 13:00
in Ragusa with Leonardo Spina of the International Federation for Life with Laughter "Comedy is Health" www.riderepervivere.it
sa 05 / 2 09:30 am 18:30
do 06 / 2 hours 09:30 18:30
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