Neonteatro The cultural association and the Italian Association of People Down Section of Catania, Dec. 23 at City Theatre will present "Garibaldi" di Piazza Armerina, the show "Thank you mr Down" of the "Company wet Luna "theater company made up of people down, directed by Monica felony and the artistic direction of Piero Stagnation.
The event celebrates the 10 years of the aforementioned company and the long experience and recognized under the Theater of diversity.
In particular the work "Thank you Mr. Down" diversity is seen as a quality that differentiates one person from another and not to discriminate; diversity as a resource person as it is. The theater is the natural place in which differences can meet, interact and recognize the value. The person is a carrier down to a human value, which in the Theatre becomes artistic value and social resource. Place the center of this research, discovery and experimentation, the person with Down syndrome, it means enhancing the essence of drama, the human being, which in all its forms and conditions can experience the ultimate expression of the scene if.
"Wet Moon", the theater company founded in 2000 on the basis of a proposed permanent laboratory and organized by the Catania section of the Italian People Down, in collaboration with the artists of the Cultural Neon Catania.
In the shadows of the stage, expertly re-created, they are the protagonists, young people down, players fully immersed in the image itself becomes an image with their simple but very expressive language, gestures and movements engaging in the freedom of creative space allotted to them.
The show, scheduled at 20.30 (free admission)
December 23 to Piazza Armerina
26 at the Teatro Garibaldi in Modica,
Adrano to 28 at the Teatro Bellini.
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