The project of Prometheus Onlus "Laughter makes good blood" funded by the Department for Equal Opportunity, We'll laugh about, 'LAUGH LIVING meet the teaching staff, operators social, students, parents of some schools of Ragusa on "but as: Laughing at school?".
Dr. Angrisani, a psychologist and the International Federation clown! Laugh for Life!, Vice-president! Ridens Homo! on the basis of extensive experience in schools of all levels and able to intervene as "the pick of laughter and positive emotions" within the classroom enable to bring out, to address and manage even the most hidden dynamics or interpersonal problems individuals.
Participation in the meeting shall also be given to all the curious who want to get closer / ClownTerapia know.
'10 Wednesday, April 21 - 11 hours school "S. Quasimodo - Ragusa
- 16 hours Comprehensive School "G. Pascoli "c / o plexus Ecce Homo - Ragusa
Thursday, April 22 '10 - ore16 schools" G. Pastures "- Ragusa Ibla
Info: 3341860264-3294219904 - associazioneprometeo@alice.it - \u200b\u200bciridiamosu@gmail.com
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