the night of 5 and 6 April 2009, the rages' apocalypse with a shock of 5.8 on the Richter scale in a few minutes destroys most of the historical center of the Eagle and many of its neighbors. The budget is heavy: the 308 victims, 1,600 injured, tens of thousands displaced.
L'Aquila, April 6 - Thousands of torches Aquila to remember the victims of the earthquake. It was the night between 5th and 6th April 2009 at 3:32 am the apocalypse is unleashed with a shock of 5.8 on the Richter scale in a few minutes destroys most of the historical center of the Eagle and many of its neighbors . The budget is heavy: the 308 victims, 1,600 injured, tens of thousands displaced. Among the countries there is also destroyed Onna, which completely razed to the ground, become the symbol of the tragedy. The machine
relief starts immediately and also many volunteers who come to L'Aquila si mobilitano da tutta Italia. Tante le persone che vigili del fuoco e protezione civile riescono a estrarre vive dalle macerie: Marta Valente, 24 anni di Bisenti, studentessa di Medicina, viene salvata dopo 23 ore; Eleonora Calesini, 21 anni, di Mondaino, dopo 42 ore, Maria D'Antuono, 98 anni, di Tempera, viene trovata viva dopo 30 ore, e racconterà di averle trascorso lavorando all'uncinetto. I feriti vengono ricoverati negli ospedali di Avezzano, Pescara, Chieti, Ancona, Roma, Rieti, Foligno e Terni.Tra le vittime del sisma alcuni nomi noti: Lorenzo Sebastiani, giovane rugbysta dell'Aquila Rugby, Lorenzo Cini, pallavolista in serie B, Giuseppe Chiavaroli, calciatore di eccellenza, quasi l'intera famiglia del capo della redazione Aquila the newspaper 'The Centre', Justin Parisse, who, in the collapse of the family home, just in Onna, lost two sons, Dominic and Maria Paola, and his father.
But that April 6 is not the only shock that affects L'Aquila and in the two months following the earth continues to tremble. During that time there are over 35 thousand shock, an average of one shock every two and a half minutes. L'Aquila, already devastated, she is forced to face the constant fear of a new earthquake and to remove the memory of that tragic night. Here is a tragic history of that first week:
April 6: It's 3.32 when a quake of magnitude 5.8 on the Richter scale devastates the Eagle and many of its neighbors. The earthquake is avvertito in tutto il Centro Italia, fino a Napoli. Onna è il paese piu colpito: il 70% dell'abitato viene distrutto dalla violenza del terremoto. Immediatamente scattano soccorsi e solidarietà da tutta Italia.
Il governo, in una riunione straordinaria del Consiglio dei ministri, approva lo stato di emergenza, conferisce i poteri di attuazione degli interventi d'emergenza al Commissario delegato Guido Bertolaso e stanzia 30 milioni di fondi per i primi giorni. Alla fine della giornata si stimano 150 morti, 1.500 feriti e 70mila sfollati. Ma il bilancio è destinato a crescere. Sono 100 invece le persone estratte vive grazie all'opera delle squadre di soccorso dei Vigili del fuoco.
7 APRILE: Alle 2 del mattino un applauso liberatorio saluta Saving Marta, 24, remained for more than 23 hours trapped in the rubble. Are found dead the last four children buried in the Student House. Also rescued a woman of 98 years, who had already survived the earthquake of Marsica in 1915. The numbers on the victims of the earthquake are conflicting. The Civil Defence is about 207 deaths, 118 of 211 Eagle and other sources to update the budget 228. At 19:42 Another strong quake of magnitude 5.3 on the Richter scale causes a victim in Santa Rufina di Roio, a small fraction of the Eagle, and the collapse of the Basilica in Piazza Duomo. At night a girl was pulled alive after 42 hours under the rubble. E 'Calesini Eleanor, 21.
April 8: We dig up at Easter, and funerals are announced for April 10 to 11.
The Vatican appealed to all the restoration workshops of Italy to adopt a work of art''mobile'', that is transportable, was damaged in the earthquake.
April 9: It aggravates the death toll rising to 281, twenty of whom are under 16 years, and a new tremor of magnitude 3.6 degrees on the Richter Scale hit the area. Napolitano, who was visiting L'Aquila,''calls for a collective examination of conscience on the responsibility. "
April 10: Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone celebrates with Bishop Aquila the state funeral. The coffins lined up on the apron of the School of the Guard Coppo di Finanza 205. Those attending the highest authorities. The budget increased to 289 victims, including 20 children, but does not stop the swarm.
April 11: Salt the death toll to 293, while all reported missing have been found, alive or dead. You stop digging.
April 12: Easter Mass is celebrated in the tent city of Abruzzo.
April 13: Taking the first checks on the property: 30% of the buildings is unusable, 50% 20% accessible and fit for use with action. But, a week after the earthquake that has devastated the Abruzzo, the emergency is called cold. For the next few days expect temperatures of up to 3 degrees, while rain and strong winds increase emergency aid for displaced persons. The Civil Protection expedite the completion of facilities and delivery of over 100 stoves in the camps scattered between L'Aquila and its province.
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