Agenda extensive commitments that the association of Iblea ClownTerapia "We'll laugh about 'that this week will meet with the schools in the province of Ragusa. At his side, the International Federation "Laugh to live in Rome, represented by Dr. Lucia Angrisani - psychologist and clowns - Prometeo Onlus association of Ragusa by Dr. Lisa Iudica
We'll laugh about 'under the project "Civil Defense in the classroom - Path to Solidarity "in the Etna Volunteer Service Center - will bring its experience of" the Clown Doctor in Emergencies ", such as its intervention in Abruzzo that she was busy from the early days of the earthquake
Thursday 22 April '10 - 09:00 Comm.le Technical Institute "F. Besta "- S. Cross (RG)
Thursday 22 11.30 am and Friday, April 23 '10 09:00 Institute Techn Comm.le airships "F. Besta "Ragusa
" Over the past ten years, since in Western societies has stabilized the clown figure used in health and social contexts, humanitarian missions tailored to the positive possibilities of the clown doctors have been many.
They all share the message of peace and hope that the figure inherently unarmed, of course the clown is able to testify.
Diplomacy of the red nose happily called Patch Adams.
These missions, like the one we have taken in Abruzzo, have in common the intention to give injections of good emotions in the same places where life is uncertain. "
Dr. Fabio Ferri, president of the association and clowns socio-medical ClownTerapia We'll laugh about ';
Dr. Lucia Angrisani, psychologist and clown International Federation! Laugh for Life!, vice-president! Ridens Homo!
Info: 3294219904 - ciridiamosu@gmail.com
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