Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

Mostra a Sorrento 28-29 Maggio 2010

you ever happen to be, unexpectedly, pleasantly surprised? Lately I often. The last time was yesterday, now I will tell ............
Early last week, surfing the internet, I discovered a show that would be held in Sorrento: needless to say that it was an exhibition of lace and embroidery. The idea to go poking me greatly, but on the other hand I held back the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to leave her husband and children for a whole day (not that I do not do that, too often lately), but ........ I can not explain short ........... I felt so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But my husband has found a solution that made everyone happy.
The boys at the home of friends and he and I viaaaaaaaaaa scooter.
arrives in Sorrento at about 11, and although the weather was beautiful, the city welcomed us with his air of holiday: My husband, who perhaps hoped for una passeggiata un pò più romantica, è rimasto ben presto deluso ........ di corsa alla Mostra

Ad accogliere i visitatori c'era  un bel lavoro eseguito dalla Prof. Maria Luisa Maresca con filato metallico ed il sorriso di una delle sue allieve
Sotto i portici del chiostro di S. Maria delle Grazie avvolti da un'atmosfera rilassante lo sguardo poteva scorrere su lavori eseguiti in maniera pulita e corretta

Questi i lavori delle allieve del primo anno di tombolo
Corinne Parmenther
Fortunata Romano
Maria Virginia Milano

questi quelli delle allieve del secondo anno di tombolo
Anna Giusto
Astarita Desiree
Clara D'Agostino
Clotilde Russo

Inutile dire che c'erano anche dei lavori di chi segue, in maniera più che corretta, queste signore: la Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Maresca, merlettaia competente e seria

Oltre ai lavori  a tombolo si potevano ammirare quelli to crochet and bulletin board

the masterpieces of painting and drawing workshops
and beautiful embroidery

How about ?!??!??!?!?!?! Unexpected and pleasant ........ .........
Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Contribution For Wedding

From May 18 Every Wednesday - "Dance the Chakras" and "Ki Hara Shiatsu.

Wednesday, May 18 at Ragusa the Library New Iblea

"Dance the Chakras" and "Ki Hara Shiatsu.
experiential meetings hosted by: Natasha and Peter Nanni Zerbetto

from 18 : 00 to 21:00

To experience your reality deeper and more authentic, the energies of the chakras (energy centers that govern your life and evolution), alternating dances, games, awareness of breath, treatment with the contact, and integrating them with modern techniques of grounding and Alignment .
with Hara Shiatsu, Shiatsu with Ki

Shiatsu, Hara and Ki are Japanese words.

- Shiatsu is care traditional family Japanese contact and pressure with your hands.

Family Care means: easy to learn, easy to practice.

- Hara is the lower abdomen, the center of which the tradition of the Far East feels the source of vital energy ('Ki'). In the lower abdomen is our center of gravity, and there are our roots (the villi).

- Ki (the 'quiet force', known in the tradition of oriental martial arts) is a form of subtle energy, which is closely linked to the breath, invisible, yet recognizable for its effect on our vital tone ..

With the practice of Ki-Hara Shiatsu is better than those who receive it, and even those who are better give it.

Teaching -Ki-Hara Shiatsu is led by Peter , performing and teaching this art since 1981. The practice is prepared with exercises, tests, games, techniques breathing and meditation.

Each treatment pair are guided step by step, and repeated exchange of roles: who has received from, and who has since received.

Shiatsu is not intended to replace conventional medicine.

via Plebiscito n.19 in Ragusa
comfortable clothing with a mat or blanket

Reservations: Library New Iblea tel. 0932 258423
To speak to Natasha and Peter cell. 347 6867554
€ 15 - the first meeting is free

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nipple Piercing One Or Two Man

I fuselli sono di................

is about to reveal the hidden mystery ...............

The bobbins are .............

have guessed two persons .......................

Congratulations to Gio and Grace, I was stunned when I read that you had guessed, especially since you have been able to read between the lines ...... .........
They are certainly not suitable to work the bobbin lace, but when I received are remained open-mouthed.
I never imagined could exist of the spindles of chocolate and not deny that I was sorry to see them eating from my butch ...... sigh !!!!!!
and have already been eaten, partly because I could only keep them in the freezer and did not make sense. But I'm still
piangendoooooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all for taking part without premium. Good weekend to all and congratulations to those who have yet guessed. Baci

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Does Hair Color Remover Damage Hair

COMICOTERAPIA 20 YEARS IN ITALY: Conference on May 27 '10

On May 29, 2010 Palazzo Valentini, Via IV Novembre Rome -
The Presidency of the Council of the Province of Rome in collaboration with the International Federation! LAUGH TO LIVE! and Institute for Research, Documentation and Training conference presents the HOMO Ridens

suggestions, experiences, ways of working in community health

The gelotology (comicoterapia) is twenty years old in Italy .
In this long period, starting from the basic method of "Comedy is Health", the original development of Sonia and Leonardo Fioravanti Spina, applied for the first time in 1990, reaching the commitment of the earthquake Aquila, study and the possibility intervention of this discipline, and its operators Clown Doctors (Clown social and health) make our country a world of avant-garde in this field.

L 'Ass Laugh for Life and his Institute of Research, Documentation and Training HOMO Ridens have gained the conviction that this experience, (which sees the Province of Rome partner for at least ten years) to be gutted and made known throughout the its importance and depth, also in view of using this new profession in more innovative areas, such as, for example, psychiatry and social factors.

The conference aims to consider the usefulness of the new professional figure of the Clown Socio-Sanitary dissemination of experiences, to highlight the increasingly dense network that is created between institutions and the third sector in the development of new models by removal of social disadvantage and school and community creation.
In recent years has been accumulated a large amount of documents, photos, videos on those experiences that deserve to be shown to the public as evidence of a different social commitment, based on "distribution" of positive emotions.

The conference has as general objective to compare the state of the humanization of social contexts, with particular emphasis on experiences over the years by so-called Clown Drs. And
'This is a new professional active throughout the world since the '90s. The
gelotology, scientific term that encompasses the most common expressions "comicoterapia" or "ClownTerapia" is a new research field that combines art and science in the pursuit of social and mental and physical health of people. The Doctor
Clown (Clown social health) stands as a prominent figure in this discipline and is used not only in the pediatric hospital setting, but also with adults, the elderly, in tough neighborhoods, the galaxy disability, in psychiatry, addiction, etc ...

Specific objectives:
Reflect on the most effective strategies for removing the inconvenience and health education.
disseminate the methodologies gelotology.
Reflect on monitoring of the various experiences. Reflecting on the effects of
gelotology on the community.
Offer a training credit to classes of high school students and university.

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2012 years of light - Saturday, May 29 '10

Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 17.30 at the Church of Santa Teresa in Ragusa Ibla
CONFERENCE IN WALK-IN TOUR 2010 "- speaker David Russo Dies
2012 - the final stasis - Who are the walk-in? - The size of 4th-5th - activate the Light Body - the necessary merkaba - First contact - the angels extraterrestrial
INPUT € 5.00.

From May 24 to 29 - READING OF DNA AND HARMONIZATION: Reservations are required and please inform us early if you can no longer be present to the commitment made by calling the phone number 366-4493490.
The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the non-profit Prometheus Course in Italy 103. The cost of meeting David on voluntary donations plus 5 € for the expenses of the Association

hours 15 Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Church of Santa Teresa in Ragusa Ibla: SEMINAR "Merkaba" taught by David Russo Dies, is Reservations are required and please notify per tempo se non si può più essere presenti all’impegno preso telefonando al numero di cellulare 366-4493490.
INGRESSO euro 25,00

How To Message Friend On New Born Baby

Indovina, indovinello.................

Guess, riddle, di che son fatti questi fuselli ?????????????????
Dovete sapere che nel tempo ho scoperto che quasi tutte le merlettaie amano collezionare i fuselli, di ogni tipo e forma.
Io naturalmente posseggo una collezione molto ricca. Prima o poi vi mostro alcuni dei miei fuselli,  ma sarà un'impresa ardua scegliere quali mostrarvi, in quanto  posseggo più di 100 coppie, tutte diverse.
Questi che vi mostro, però, mi hanno sorpreso....................NON SI VINCE NIENTE, se vi va  provate ad indovinare.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Connect An Sv2000 Dvd Recorder To The Vcr

"Dance The Chakras" - May 12, 2010


Incontro esperenziale gratuito condotto da: Natascia Nanni e Pietro Zerbetto
martedì 12 maggio dalle 18:00 alle 20:00

Per sperimentare la tua Realtà più profonda e Autentica, sulle energie dei Chakras (centri energetici che governano la your life and evolution), alternating dances, games, breath awareness, treatment with the contact, and integrating them with modern techniques of grounding and alignment.

via Plebiscito n.19 in Ragusa
comfortable clothing with a mat or blanket

Reservations: Library New Iblea tel. 0932 258423

To speak to Natasha and Peter cell. 347 6867554