Wednesday, May 18 at Ragusa
"Dance the Chakras" and "Ki Hara Shiatsu.
experiential meetings hosted by: Natasha and Peter Nanni Zerbetto
- Shiatsu is care traditional family Japanese contact and pressure with your hands.
Family Care means: easy to learn, easy to practice.
- Hara is the lower abdomen, the center of which the tradition of the Far East feels the source of vital energy ('Ki'). In the lower abdomen is our center of gravity, and there are our roots (the villi).
- Ki (the 'quiet force', known in the tradition of oriental martial arts) is a form of subtle energy, which is closely linked to the breath, invisible, yet recognizable for its effect on our vital tone ..
With the practice of Ki-Hara Shiatsu is better than those who receive it, and even those who are better give it.
Teaching -Ki-Hara Shiatsu is led by Peter , performing and teaching this art since 1981. The practice is prepared with exercises, tests, games, techniques breathing and meditation.
Each treatment pair are guided step by step, and repeated exchange of roles: who has received from, and who has since received.
Shiatsu is not intended to replace conventional medicine.
via Plebiscito n.19 in Ragusacomfortable clothing with a mat or blanket
Reservations: Library New Iblea tel. 0932 258423
To speak to Natasha and Peter cell. 347 6867554 natasciaepietro@alice.it
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