Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

Mostra a Sorrento 28-29 Maggio 2010

you ever happen to be, unexpectedly, pleasantly surprised? Lately I often. The last time was yesterday, now I will tell ............
Early last week, surfing the internet, I discovered a show that would be held in Sorrento: needless to say that it was an exhibition of lace and embroidery. The idea to go poking me greatly, but on the other hand I held back the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to leave her husband and children for a whole day (not that I do not do that, too often lately), but ........ I can not explain short ........... I felt so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But my husband has found a solution that made everyone happy.
The boys at the home of friends and he and I viaaaaaaaaaa scooter.
arrives in Sorrento at about 11, and although the weather was beautiful, the city welcomed us with his air of holiday: My husband, who perhaps hoped for una passeggiata un pò più romantica, è rimasto ben presto deluso ........ di corsa alla Mostra

Ad accogliere i visitatori c'era  un bel lavoro eseguito dalla Prof. Maria Luisa Maresca con filato metallico ed il sorriso di una delle sue allieve
Sotto i portici del chiostro di S. Maria delle Grazie avvolti da un'atmosfera rilassante lo sguardo poteva scorrere su lavori eseguiti in maniera pulita e corretta

Questi i lavori delle allieve del primo anno di tombolo
Corinne Parmenther
Fortunata Romano
Maria Virginia Milano

questi quelli delle allieve del secondo anno di tombolo
Anna Giusto
Astarita Desiree
Clara D'Agostino
Clotilde Russo

Inutile dire che c'erano anche dei lavori di chi segue, in maniera più che corretta, queste signore: la Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Maresca, merlettaia competente e seria

Oltre ai lavori  a tombolo si potevano ammirare quelli to crochet and bulletin board

the masterpieces of painting and drawing workshops
and beautiful embroidery

How about ?!??!??!?!?!?! Unexpected and pleasant ........ .........
Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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