Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 17.30 at the Church of Santa Teresa in Ragusa Ibla
CONFERENCE IN WALK-IN TOUR 2010 "- speaker David Russo Dies
2012 - the final stasis - Who are the walk-in? - The size of 4th-5th - activate the Light Body - the necessary merkaba - First contact - the angels extraterrestrial
INPUT € 5.00.
From May 24 to 29 - READING OF DNA AND HARMONIZATION: Reservations are required and please inform us early if you can no longer be present to the commitment made by calling the phone number 366-4493490.
The meeting will be held at the headquarters of the non-profit Prometheus Course in Italy 103. The cost of meeting David on voluntary donations plus 5 € for the expenses of the Association
hours 15 Sunday, May 30, 2010 at the Church of Santa Teresa in Ragusa Ibla: SEMINAR "Merkaba" taught by David Russo Dies, is Reservations are required and please notify per tempo se non si può più essere presenti all’impegno preso telefonando al numero di cellulare 366-4493490.
INGRESSO euro 25,00
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